Unarmed Training

Pinpoint security training school is the Premiere security training school on Staten Island. Our Instructor is highly motivated and will provide you with the best training experience possible. That is why most security guard companies trust us by sending their guards to us!
Course Info
8 Hour Pre-Assignment Training Course
This 8 hour course is required by New York State as the first step in obtaining a security guard registration card from the NYS Department of State. This training class is developed in accordance with the NYS Security Guard Act and presents an overview of a security guard’s duties and responsibilities under the law. Topics covered in this course include the role of the security guard, legal powers and limitations, emergency situations, communications and public relations, access control, and ethics and conduct. The passing of an examination is required for successful completion of this course which is completed only once and the certificate is kept as a permanent record. Under the law you must produce the training certificate at the request of an employer. The certificate must also accompany the security guard’s registration application when submitted to the Department of State.
16 Hour On The Job Training Course
This 16 hour course is required by New York State as the second step and must be completed within 90 days of employment as a security guard. The course expands on topics relating to basic functions and responsibilities. All subjects are consistent with the security guard’s specific duties, the nature of the workplace and employer requirements. The passing of an examination is required for successful completion of this course which is completed only once and the certificate is kept as a permanent record. Under the law you must produce the training certificate at the request of an employer.
8 Hour Annual In-Service Training Course for Security Guards
This 8 hour course that must be completed each calendar year following the completion of the 16 Hour On-the-Job Training Course for Security Guards, and annually thereafter. The course is structured to provide the student with updated and enhanced information on the duties and responsibilities of a security guard. This program is designed to meet current training needs and refresh guards in changes in the security field. Each guard must complete this course as a prerequisite for renewal of the guards registration.
N.Y.S. Security Guard Application Assistance
- Completion of the Security Guard Application.
- We also provide the electronic fingerprints required by NYS Department of State
Basic Training Package
- 8 Hr Pre-Assignment Course
- 16 Hr OJT Course
- Application Assistance
Advanced Training Package
- Basic Training Pkg Plus
- Any 2 Specialty Courses
* Please Note: All fees associate with the license aren’t included.