Specialized Training

Pinpoint security training school is the Premiere security training school on Staten Island. Our Instructor is highly motivated and will provide you with the best training experience possible. That is why most security guard companies trust us by sending there guards to us!
Course Info
Certifcate of Fitness for Fire Guard – 4 Hr. (Prep Course)
This course will prepare you for the Certificate of Fitness Exam F-00, Which is administered by the FDNY. The exam includes all material for:
- (F-44) Fire Guard for Shelters
- (F-91) Fire Guard for Hotels, Motels, and Office Buildings
- (F-92) Fire Guard for Boat Yards, Marinas
- (F-93) Fire Guard for Field Construction Sites and Torch Operations
- (F-94) Fire Guard for Places of Public Assembly and Film Studios
Test Location for Certificate of Fitness
9 Metro Tech Center, Brooklyn, New York, 11201
Monday thru Friday (except legal holidays) 9 am to 2:30 pm
Retail Loss Prevention Course – 4 Hr.
In this course, the individual will learn how to reduce the inventory losses inside a retail store due to employee theft, shoplifting, fraud, vendor theft, and accounting errors.
The Use of Metal Detection – 4 Hr.
In this course, the individual will learn to establish performance requirements and testing methods for hand-held metal detectors used to find metal weapons and/or metal contraband carried on a person.
Anti-Terrorism / Bomb Threat Analysis – 4 Hr.
In this course, the individual will be able to identify and respond to the signals of a verifiable threat introduced by:
- A) Telephone/cell phone calls
- B) Emails/web-mail
- C) U.S. postal letters/packages (any carrier)
Additionally, the individual will understand the procedures which must be taken to:
- A) Evacuate the area/floors/building
- B) Contact supervisors/alert first responders
- C) Conduct searches
Gang Awareness – 4 Hr.
This training is designed for individuals who need the basic elements of street gang identification within their community. Sociological and psychological factors contributing to gang membership are illustrated as well as other influences such as music, videos, and the internet. This course will provide an overview of the history of gangs within New York with current trends, colors, signs, and symbols of the most commonly encountered criminal street gangs. You will be also taught safety and tactics in relation to encounters with gang members.